Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My Intent/Visual Influences On My Selection Of Images On The Whole

Set 1, Location –
This first set of images are about representing a location through objects.
I have selected images of objects within a location as I wanted to explore smugglers and capture the place’s history/past to re-create a certain atmosphere of the character of the place. I tried to re-create a smugglers history in my images by using objects, such as an old lantern and Photoshop to digitally manipulate objects in the background such as a pirate ship.
Set 2, Backyard –
From this I focused more on a range of objects. I explored the idea of play within the theme of ‘backyard’ and photographed things in a garden setting such as the bear. The images touched on both the nostalgia associated with childhood and the sense of ‘moving on’ as we grow up.
Set 3, Still Life Portrait –
I found the subject of objects really interesting to photograph as you can show who a person is without photographing them in a conventional portrait form. I photographed my grandmother’s home and possessions and tried to capture who she was and is within the images. For example the ship in a bottle image, has a clock in the background, symbolising the passing of time. Also some photo frames which give a more personal insight into who she is her family and past life. I really enjoyed this ‘documentary’ style approach to the theme.
Set 4, People –
Moving on from Still Life Portraits I developed into exploring people through their hands. I have been influenced by Gillian Wearing in the use of text to convey meaning or challenge how we represent and interpret people in a photograph. Also photographers such as Tina Modotti who used hands in her images to convey something of the ‘whole’ person.
I like photographing people but exploring different ways of representing them.To do this I have used a range of styles and techniques such as photographing a person but not showing their face.

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